Protocol Governance
During beta multisig SAFE (currently composed of a 4/7 risk-assessment team) is used to manage protocol upgrades and risk assessment. Updates are made for both the BOB stablecoin and the associated zkBob application
The 4/7 threshold was established with GP 0 and updated with GP 4. Protocol updates are handled through the SAFE. For more info on governance see the BOB DAO page.
The Governance SAFE address is 0xd4a3D9Ca00fa1fD8833D560F9217458E61c446d8
In addition to inventory management, the beta governance team also proposes and completes protocol updates. Details regarding specific updates are linked below.
GP stands for Governance Proposal.
Increase SAFE multisig to 3/6.
Instantiate BobVault (BobSwap) for beta testing.
Upgrade Contracts to v1.0.0 based on Security Audit Findings.
Enable BobVault (BobSwap) for public use.
Increase Multisig to 4/7 and upgrade BOB on all networks
Enable BobVault (BobSwap) on Ethereum mainnet.
Upgrade zkBob to support direct deposits.
Increase multichain inventory and update BobSwap
Extend pool limits for KYC'd users
Deactivate Kyberswap pairs (emergency measure)
Reallocate previous Kyberswap inventory
Add 24 hour timelock on Optimism
Raise Polygon limits
Launch BOB CDP
Migrate BOB pool on Polygon to USDC
See GP 14 for multiple txs
Add KYB-tier limits on Optimism
Remove excess inventory on BNB & Arbitrum
in process
Last updated