GP 21: BOB inventory reduction

Proposal Objective

Continue the overall reduction of BOB inventory with reductions on all 5 networks.

Proposal Details

The overall decrease of total supply follwoing this proposal is -4,660,000 BOB (5,000,000 BOB β†’ 340,000 BOB).

Arbitrum (1m β†’ 10k)

  1. Deallocate 990,000 BOB (1,000,000 BOB β†’ 10,000 BOB) from the BOB/USDC 0.01% inventory position on Uniswap V3

BNB Chain (1m β†’ 10k)

  1. Deallocate 490,000 BOB (500,000 BOB β†’ 10,000 BOB) from the BOB/USDC 0.01% inventory position on Uniswap V3

  2. Deallocate 500,000 BOB (500,000 BOB β†’ 0 BOB) from the BOB/USDT 0.01% inventory position on Uniswap V3

Mainnet (1m β†’ 20k)

  1. Deallocate 980,000 BOB (1,000,000 BOB β†’ 20,000 BOB) from the BOB/USDC 0.01% inventory position on Uniswap V3.

Optimism (1m β†’ 100k)

  1. Deallocate 900,000 BOB (1,000,000 BOB β†’ 100,000 BOB) from the BOB/USDC 0.01% inventory position on Uniswap V3.

Polygon (1m β†’ 200k)

  1. Deallocate 800,000 BOB (1,000,000 BOB β†’ 200,000 BOB) from the BOB/USDC 0.01% inventory position on Uniswap V3.


Transaction uses delegatecall to 0xCDAD0ad4DD1F614a6502043Ef546e447b25Ffb9 to efficiently facilitate the complex inventory management process.

Transaction #5 in the Safe on Arbitrum contains the following sequence of actions:

  1. Withdraw 99% (~990,000 BOB/USDC) of BOB/USDC 0.01% Uniswap V3 inventory LP with its fees.

  2. Swap obtained USDC to BOB via Uniswap V3.

  3. Burn BOB obtained from inventory position principal.

BNB Chain

Transaction uses delegatecall to 0xF321a98DFFe0c790A84BbE754811f3918a431ab9 to efficiently facilitate the complex inventory management process.

Transaction #13 in the Safe on BNB Chain contains the following sequence of actions:

  1. Withdraw 100% (~500,000 BOB/USDT) of BOB/USDT 0.01% Uniswap V3 inventory LP with its fees.

  2. Withdraw 98% (~490,000 BOB/USDC) of BOB/USDC 0.01% Uniswap V3 inventory LP with its fees.

  3. Swap obtained USDT to USDC via Uniswap V3.

  4. Swap obtained USDC to BOB via Uniswap V3.

  5. Burn BOB obtained from inventory position principal.


Transaction uses delegatecall to 0x1F9843C88EFC073cB0E33B9E138cFF5b9efa039Bto efficiently facilitate the complex inventory management process.

Transaction #18 in the Safe on Mainnet contains the following sequence of actions:

  1. Withdraw 98% (~980,000 BOB/USDC) of BOB/USDC 0.01% Uniswap V3 inventory LP with its fees.

  2. Swap obtained USDC to BOB via Uniswap V3.

  3. Burn BOB obtained from inventory position principal.


Transaction uses delegatecall to 0x3c28Fb3AA25239E6a35A6a36757d38fe9303F21C to efficiently facilitate the complex inventory management process.

Transaction #18 in the Safe on Optimism contains the following sequence of actions:

  1. Withdraw 90% (~900,000 BOB/USDC) of BOB/USDC 0.01% Uniswap V3 inventory LP with its fees.

  2. Swap obtained USDC to BOB via Uniswap V3.

  3. Burn BOB obtained from inventory position principal.


Transaction uses delegatecall to 0x74eB277f968490981857c71A410a9bAF568658cb to efficiently facilitate the complex inventory management process.

Transaction #38 in the Safe on Polygon contains the following sequence of actions:

  1. Withdraw 80% (~800,000 BOB/USDC) of BOB/USDC 0.01% Uniswap V3 inventory LP with its fees.

  2. Swap obtained USDC to BOB via Uniswap V3.

  3. Burn BOB obtained from inventory position principal.

Additional verification

  1. Check the token transfers in Tenderly simulation:

  2. Check the following script with safe contract execution -

    1. forge test --match-path ./script/scripts/VerifySafeTx_Gov45.t.sol --ffi -vvvv

    2. Make sure jq CLI is installed

Last updated