GP 4: Increase Multisig & Upgrade BOB contract on all networks

The BOB token contract was upgraded on the Polygon Network with GP 2. In GP 4, updates to the BOB token contract are carried over to Ethereum, Optimism, and BNB chain. In addition, a new signer is added to the BOB SAFE on each chain, which now requires 4 of 7 signatures to execute any proposal.

On Polygon, 1,000,000 BOB was also allocated to the BobVault, extending the issuance limit to 3,000,000 BOB.

The proposal has been confirmed and executed on:

Proposal breakdown

Since the proposal consists of changes on different networks, there are 4 separate transactions, one on each network.


Transaction #25 in the Safe on Polygon contains 2 actions:

Action 1

Allocate additional 1.000.000 BOB (18 decimals) to the BobVault contract 0x25E6505297b44f4817538fB2d91b88e1cF841B54 by making a minting 1.000.000 BOB to the BobVault contract. The action is executed by calling mint on the BOB token contract 0xB0B195aEFA3650A6908f15CdaC7D92F8a5791B0B

Action 2

Add new owner 0x813399e5b08Bb50b038AA7dF6347b6AF2D161828 to the BOB Policy Safe and increase the signatures thresholds to 4. The action is executed by calling addOwnerWithThreshold on the Policy Safe contract 0xd4a3D9Ca00fa1fD8833D560F9217458E61c446d8


Transaction #9 in the Safe on Ethereum contains 2 actions:

Action 1

The BobToken contract upgrade 0xB0B195aEFA3650A6908f15CdaC7D92F8a5791B0B. The new implementation is 0x4BF3C45E35f51a79261Db75236D4D9b717175505. The upgrade is made by using upgradeToAndCall and it is combined with the call of DOMAIN_SEPARATOR (the selector is 0x3644e515) -- the method call is only to be used in pair with Tenderly to check that the domain separator is not being changing from the old implementation to the new one during the upgrade. The old domain separator is 0x89ae8e5c4b66ead9633eda9b816caf7be1b63c83da93250c795d803856f7c588.

Last updated